Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Turbo Tuesday: Misión Solo

The Otter was feeling under the weather, T.J. was shuffling data in the laboratory, La Kruze was tending to an ill otter, and so I decided to go out and do Turbo Tuesday alone. I don't typically ride alone but I just couldn't resist the All-City.

I headed out at about 9 after carefully selecting my winter garments. I wore a shortsleeve jersey, a longsleeve Pearl Izumi wool jersey and my Nike thermal cycling jacket. On my head I wore a Bontrager balaclava, glasses and a nice hat which I received at Frostbike. My face and head were not cold at all. I also wore the basic bib shorts with Bontrager thermal tights, Pearl Izumi toe covers and Louis Garneau booties. I threw on a pair of cutoff shorts which really helped keep the wind off my thighs and kept me very comfortable. It was around 25 degrees outside with wind and I hardly felt cold at all. Towards the end of the ride, my feet got a bit cold, but thats almost inevitable. Although, I neglected to wear the thicker wool socks, so any discomfort was partially my fault. I also wore a backpack. I have found that I enjoy wearing a backpack in the winter. If anything, it just keeps you warmer and lets you carry fun stuff, like an SLR camera that you can play with when you get tired.

Winter Gear

Winter Gear

Highway Overpass on the Trail

I rode 10 miles from my apartment to the Great Western Trailhead, then about 10 miles out on the trail. After I got tired of riding into the wind I turned back, ending the ride with about 40mi total on the single speed. I thought a lot about Ari while riding the trail. He would have been out there too, every Tuesday night, no matter what. We shared many good laughs on that trail and heard many great stories. On my way home I passed the former SFCA headquarters and shed a single tear, which immediately froze to my cheek.

Night on the Trail


Ari said...

I miss you too. Let's stay in better touch.

Eric said...

Indeed, we will!