Tuesday, January 21, 2014

4th Time's a Charm - BLBBRBK 2014

Well, after 3 failed attempts, it looks like this is finally the year for BLBBRBK (pronounced: Blubber Bike), the North Central Cyclery/Axletree fatbike race/ride/relay/whatever you wanna call it. We planned for the first one in 2011, when I still worked at NCC and lived in DeKalb, but had to cancel due to a lack of snow. We had attempted every year since, with no success for the same reason. After moving out of town, it's actually going to happen, just not in DeKalb anymore. There's more info on The Facebook event page. I don't own a fatbike obviously, but I feel somewhat obligated to go to this, as it's been so long in the works. I imagine a "fatbike event" will be just as much fun as a cyclocross race, just a lot colder. Bring more whiskey I guess.


jkruse said...

the doublewide boys have got some big plans for blubber bike... it oughta be a good time!

Eric said...

Oh boy, I'm definitely coming out now that I know that! Glad Team DoubleWideDesigns/KB-Malort will be out there. Can't wait to see what you've got in store...