Thursday, January 23, 2014

One of My Favorite Cycling Photos

This has got to be one of my favorite cycling images of all time, and I was reminded of it when I saw it as the header image on Flandria Velosport. The image depicts our dearest friend T.J. on last year's Gravel Metric, triumphantly puffing on a cigar and donning the official Slender Fungus Cycling Association wool jersey while rolling down a B-road atop his All-City Space Horse. This truly magnificent image was captured by Joseph Harnish and I believe the photo above is of T.J.'s registration postcard for the next Almanzo. He added the SFCA emblem to it, which I designed many years ago, when the concept was still young. It's a lot to take in... I've been dreaming of warmer days and good times a lot lately, and last year's Gravel Metric was a good time.

1 comment:

Ari said...

I love that picture too and I thought it appropriate for the Header. I always thank you for that emblem and it will continue to be our favorite for years to come. I hope this year we can get together and ride in some goood weather. This has been the worst winter ever. I am having a hard time riding 3 miles to work even.
Stay warm and safe,