Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Double-Wide Designs Custom Frame Bags

Our good friend Derek has been getting crafty and sewing up some custom frame bags using reclaimed materials that he found in a dumpster. I was really impressed when I saw this bag up close. The quality of the material is really great and completely waterproof. They attach with velcro in a way similar to the Revelate bags. The inside is just one huge compartment- nice and simple. He sews them on an vintage sewing machine in his double-wide trailer (hence the name Double-Wide Designs) here in DeKalb, and hopes to do a small run of them that will be available for purchase. If anyone's interested in getting their hands on one of these, let me know and I'll send you his way!

Check out a few more photos after the jump.

1 comment:

Elizabeth J. Neal said...

This is a pretty radical approach to designer toy resin art pieces, which essentially offers a made-to-order handmade figure in the color of your choosing. drawstring carrier bags